• 毕业典礼上的信息

    毕业周快乐! 如果你还需要你的雨票或荣誉勋章, they will be available for you at check-in on Friday (Hickory campus).

    学生报到时间是周五下午4:30.m. 在舒福德体育馆. 客人们被要求在下午5点半前就座.m.

    Any changes to the commencement schedule will be posted here. 



Make an impact on the health of a community through the power of prevention.

社区卫生, 通常被称为公共卫生, is the applied science of protecting 和 promoting the health 和 wellness of individuals, 家庭, 和 populations using evidence-based health promotion 和 disease prevention 项目 和 policies. 社区卫生领域负责评估, 理解, 和 responding to the behavioral 和 ecological factors that influence the health of communities.

社区卫生挑战你考虑生物, 环境, 以及健康的社会决定因素. 在跨学科课程中, you’ll explore health behaviors 和 policies through courses in personal health, 全球健康, 营养, 心理学, 生物学, 沟通, 研究方法, 健康促进规划. 主要s address contemporary health issues 和 the factors that influence them, 包括倡导和公平.


朝着完成B的目标迈出下一步.S. 勒努瓦-雷恩大学社区卫生学位.


朝着完成B的目标迈出下一步achelor of Science 勒努瓦-雷恩大学社区卫生学位.


The community health major is interdisciplinary by nature: it covers the general biological, 历史, 健康的经济和社会学背景 as well as important specific health issues such as 营养, 妇女的健康, 老化, 疾病预防和药物滥用. 

你将面临挑战去考虑生物学, 环境, social 和 cultural determinants of health 和 to investigate, research 和 develop prevention strategies to address community health risks.


课程包括全球健康和伦理学课程, 健康促进计划及管理, 医学术语, 急救急救及教学. You also have the opportunity to choose from electives focusing on society 和 human behavior.

课程涵盖一般生物, 历史, 健康的经济和社会学背景, 还有一些特殊的健康问题. 课程包括全球健康和伦理学课程, 健康促进计划及管理, 医学术语, 急救急救及教学. You also have the opportunity to choose from electives focusing on society 和 human behavior.

Chisimdiri Oparanozie

劳氏在我的学业和经济方面给了我很大的帮助. The eagerness within those who lend a helping h和 to keep me on track is something I will not forget 和 is something I am forever grateful.



  • 影响健康社区

    给n the current 全球健康 crisis, community health is more important than ever. As a community health professional, you will help maintain the well-being of the population. You will educate your community to stop the spread of viruses like COVID-19, 并教其他人预防糖尿病等疾病, 癌症和心脏病. 你将帮助改善许多人的生活质量.

    社区卫生 professionals also impact government policies 和 strive to make sure all people have equal access to 项目 that help them live longer, 更健康的生活.

  • 研究生院 & 职业发展机会

    社区卫生 graduates may continue on in graduate studies, 特别是在公共卫生方面, 医疗保健, 健康教育和保健, 或者联合医疗.

    Or you can move directly into a professional field in both the public 和 private sectors as an outreach specialist, 项目协调员/经理/助理, 公共卫生教育工作者, 社区健康倡导者, 预防暴力专家, 工作场所健康专家, 健康公平/社会正义倡导者, 健康教育 & 沟通 specialist, wellness program manager, or health administrator. 

  • 课堂外

    You will have many opportunities to integrate classroom theory with practical real world experiences. An extensive practicum is required for graduation which allows students to work with 和 learn from professionals in the field. 学生 gain invaluable experience working with community health agencies including (but not limited to) Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry, 考德威尔县卫生局, 卡托巴谷医疗中心, 艾滋病领导山麓地区联盟(ALFA)和LR Solmaz研究所.

  • Phi Kappa荣誉协会

    As a high achieving student, you may apply to become members of (PEK) Honorary Society 和 participate in service learning on 和 off campus.

双录取 & 学费折扣

如果你符合资格并想完成一份 公共卫生硕士学位你在劳氏有很好的机会. 通过全球网赌十大网站速成硕士学位 和 校友的优势 项目, qualified students may begin graduate work in their senior year, providing the opportunity for faster completion of two degrees. In addition, graduate tuition for LR alumni can be discounted. 请参阅每个程序了解更多细节.


社区卫生, 通常被称为公共卫生, is the applied science of protecting 和 promoting the health 和 wellness of individuals, 家庭, 和 populations using evidence-based health promotion 和 disease prevention 项目 和 policies. 社区卫生领域负责评估, 理解, 和 responding to the behavioral 和 ecological factors that influence the health of communities.

社区卫生挑战你考虑生物, 环境, 以及健康的社会决定因素. 在跨学科课程中, you'll explore health behaviors 和 policies through courses in personal health, 全球健康, 营养, 心理学, 生物学, 沟通, 研究方法, 健康促进规划. 主要s address contemporary health issues 和 the factors that influence them, 包括倡导和公平.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件


LR faculty 和 students participate in a national program offered by Interfaith Youth 核心 to address vaccine hesitancy 和 help improve access to vaccination for underserved communities.


Lineberger Scholar 和 Cantos editor Kiera Elliott '25 has rubbed elbows with the literary giants of the 访问ing Writers Series. 她计划有一天也成为他们中的一员.
