

全球网赌十大网站需要像你们这样的人成为未来的商业领袖. 加速你的事业,追求你的激情.

让你的事业在勒努瓦-莱恩餐厅更上一层楼 ACBSP-accredited, 36学分的MBA课程, which provides exceptional opportunities for professional development and advancement in a wide range of areas in business, 商务, 组织领导力.






你可以在任何学期——夏季、秋季或春季学期——开始项目学习. The MBA program is offered at LR’s Hickory and Asheville campuses and online through synchronous course delivery. 全日制学生一般可以在四个学期内完成学位. 任何实习经验都可以在您方便的时候在家附近完成.


Join the MBA program for an online information session with the program coordinator, David Jones, Ph.D.以及研究生全球赌博十大网站顾问. During the session you will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the admission process, 财政援助和项目要求.


所有的MBA学生都完成了完整的商业核心课程, 包括会计课程, 管理, 市场营销, 组织行为, 供应链运作, 沟通, 管理经济学.

You can choose to complete a general MBA or specialize in a specific area of interest that matches your career goals and aspirations.

  • 会计

    这种集中使学生接触到会计几个领域的课程, 这可以拓宽他们对会计理论和应用的看法. 学生 who complete the 会计 concentration will be eligible to sit for the CPA and Certified Management 会计 examinations upon graduation.

  • 商业分析和信息技术

    随着数据分析和信息技术在商业世界中的重要性日益增加, this concentration trains students in the technology and quantitative skills needed for the ever-growing and constantly-converging fields of 商业分析和信息技术. 重点放在数据分析,项目管理和业务系统. 学生 who complete the BAIT concentration will be eligible to sit for the PMP® examination upon graduation.

  • 创业

    This concentration is designed to provide students with the tools and experience necessary to facilitate development not only as leaders, 同时也是革新者, 在他们选择的商业领域. 学生 will immerse themselves in a curriculum tailored to enrich their learning and cultivate both an entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial mindset. 

  • 行政管理

    专为具有商业或军事经验的中层管理人员设计的课程, 行政管理课程侧重于职业发展. This concentration offers flexible courses taught by expert faculty and includes learning and networking opportunities from leading business executives.

  • 全球业务

    在复杂多变的全球商业环境中, this concentration will help shape students into effective managers through a range of courses that explore finance, 经济学, 跨文化商业实践. This concentration provides broad preparation in business administration with advanced study focused within the context of an international business framework.

  • 医疗管理

    在一个快节奏的行业,有能力的需求不断增长, 优秀的管理者, 医疗管理专业将教会学生如何区分, 理解, and differentiate key concepts which serve as the underlying foundation to be productive in the healthcare arena. 学生将获得专业知识和能力的坚实基础, select 医疗管理 courses that are essential in building robust applications in the healthcare landscape.

  • 创新与变革管理

    随着创新和变革,管理在商业世界中变得越来越必要, students in this concentration explore subject matter that prepares them for creative and strategic thinking, 培养领导力创新, 并促进所有商业部门的有计划的改进.

  • 社会影响

    The 社会影响MBA 是为那些对慈善相关行业感兴趣的人建造的吗, NGOs, 非营利组织, 以使命为导向的盈利性公司和其他商业模式. This program will cover topics such as design thinking and other strategies to help you to be the best you can be for your stakeholders.


劳氏有一个为成人学习者设计的课程. 我有机会去校园听讲座. 出差的时候,我在酒店房间里看极速. 我很重视这种灵活性.



  • 以学生为中心的方法
    The MBA program takes a student-centered approach by focusing on application-based instruction that directly relates to your areas of interest and future career goals. The program is designed to provide you with direct contact and a close professional relationship with faculty members who bring real-world experience to the classroom setting.
  • 与当今的业务需求相关
    学习决策技巧和工具. 教师是在各自领域有工作经验的专业人士. 课堂模拟带你从课堂到真实的商业项目. 和你的教授一起参与当地企业和组织的项目, 包括在教授的监督下对企业进行审计.
  • 从本科生开始读MBA
    The 速成硕士学位 program provides an opportunity for LR undergraduates to seamlessly matriculate into graduate programs by beginning coursework toward their 主’s degree during their senior year, 在更短的时间内获得硕士学位并节省金钱.

程序的哲学 & 强调

The MBA program features a managerial orientation with a focus on decision-making and not mere analysis, 强调个人创造性解决问题的能力, 全球商业视角, 并强调管理中的道德行为.


  • 管理重点
    Provide you with lessons and applications that help you manage people and resources to achieve results.
  • 决策取向
    在信息不完善和不完整的环境中, you must be prepared to 理解 the risks and rewards of decision-making and to be responsible for the consequences that ensue.
  • 创造性地解决问题
    Business leaders must engage individual creativity and innovation; more importantly, 他们必须能够发展那些在他们的就业创造能力.
  • 全球视角
    随着世界经济增长的联系越来越紧密, 全球化思维可以增加机会,面对竞争的现实.
  • 伦理领导
    Quality decision-making requires that business leaders always consider the ethical components for all stakeholders, 深思熟虑的:通过深思熟虑的一整套道德原则培养出来的.

The College of Business and Economics is accredited by the 认证 Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). 


The 认证 Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is a leading specialized accreditation association for business education — supporting, 表扬和奖励优秀的教学. ACBSP对企业进行认证, 会计和商业相关的项目, 学士学位, 主, 以及世界各地的博士学位水平.



研究生 students in business may choose to focus at least twelve (12) hours of elective courses in a concentration. The following MBA concentrations require the general MBA core and degree electives from the approved list as follows:


The following MBA concentrations require a modified MBA core and degree electives from the approved list as follows:

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